
FD Capital uses several popular podcast directories to distribute their podcast, ensuring it’s accessible to a broad audience. Some of the key platforms where you can listen to FD Capital’s Podcast include:

  1. Apple Podcasts – One of the most widely used platforms, allowing iOS users to subscribe and listen.

  1. Spotify – Another major directory offering easy access to episodes across mobile and desktop
  1. Amazon Music – Integrates podcasts into Amazon’s music platform, reaching a diverse audience

  1. Overcast, PocketCasts, and Castbox – These are popular third-party podcast apps preferred by podcast enthusiasts for their additional features and customizations.
  2. Podcast Addict, Podchaser, and Podurama – Platforms where listeners can rate, review, and engage with the podcast community.

  1. Soundcloud and YouTube – These platforms provide streaming options for users who prefer non-traditional podcast players.

By distributing across a wide variety of directories, FD Capital maximizes its reach and ensures listeners can tune in using their preferred platforms​(